Improve your website privacy policy to increase conversion

Improve Your Website Privacy Policy To Increase Conversion

Remember to keep things clear and simple

Understand your privacy policy

Whether you or someone wrote your privacy policy, take the time to understand what you are writing in your privacy policy. When you have things organized they are easier to understand, not only for you but also for your visitors.

Don’t just copy and paste another privacy policy

Make your privacy policy human-friendly and personal, take the time to do this and your visitors will thank you by becoming your customers.

Explain a section in one sentence

Each one of your sections and sub-sections probably explains a lot of things. Make life easier for each visitor by quickly summarizing each part.

Keep it simple stupid (KISS)

The simpler something is explained the less work you will have explaining it when there is an issue with your privacy policy.

Pick a section of your privacy policy and send periodic emails to your users to remind them what that section is about.Pawel Glowacki
Pick a section of your privacy policy and send periodic emails to your users to remind them what that section is about.Pawel Glowacki

Create an index with link anchors

Your privacy policy is probably divided into sections and sub-sections so allow users to link to each one of these using link anchors.

Break the privacy policy into sub-pages

If your privacy policy is very long and it is already divided into sections and sub-sections, consider creating sub-pages to make the visitor experience even better. You might also get more SEO points since you will have more pages and users will be more inclined to browser those pages to learn more.

Include a contact address

Your privacy policy should include where visitors can send you a letter regarding your privacy policy.

Periodic privacy email reminders

This one is unheard of but it adds an extra communication layer between you and your users. Pick a section of your privacy policy and send periodic emails to your users to remind them what that section is about. It not only shows your focus on privacy but it also allows you to interact with your users at a different level.

Let's talk about maintaining your privacy policy

How often should I update the privacy policy?

As often as you like as long as your privacy policy is in align with what you do and how you handle visitors data to protect their privacy.

When was the privacy policy last updated?

This is important info so be sure to add and update the date when the privacy policy was last changed.

Privacy policy change notifications

When you update your privacy policy, be sure to send information to your users clearly explaining what changed. If any of your users use WeArePrivacy, there is a feature which will do this for you instantly, but it is always a good idea to send an email yourself.

Do you have any tips for improving a websites privacy policy?

Tell us what you think!

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